N. Molla, J. DeIonno, T. Gross, and J. Herman. A generalized modeling approach to the stability of natural resource governance systems. AGU 2020.
L. Ekblad and J. Herman. Toward data-driven generation and evaluation of model structure for integrated representations of human behavior in water resources systems. AGU 2020.
J. Cohen, S. Steinschneider, and J. Herman. Multi-objective policy trees for dynamic adaptation to climate change. AGU 2020.
M. Mautner, L. Foglia, and J. Herman. Planning-driven model diagnostics to determine the effects of observation and parameter uncertainty on groundwater management in Mexico City. AGU 2020.
J. Herman, J. Quinn, S. Steinschneider, M. Giuliani, and S. Fletcher. Dynamic adaptation to climate change: Framing the challenge of uncertainty characterization for human-environmental systems. AGU 2020.
J. Cohen and J. Herman. A policy tree optimization approach to adaptive planning under deep uncertainty. DMDU 2020 [Slides], [Video].
M. Mautner, J. Herman, and L. Foglia. Identifying dominant human-environmental parameters and robust groundwater planning alternatives in Mexico City. AGU 2019.
J. Cohen and J. Herman. A tree-based policy search framework for dynamic adaptation to climate change in water resources systems. AGU 2019.
W. Lynch and J. Herman. Data-driven modeling of dynamic human behavior to support regional-scale water resources planning. AGU 2019.
N. Molla, J. DeIonno, and J. Herman. Dynamics of resilience and equity in resource-based communities. AGU 2019.
J. Cohen, H. Zeff, and J. Herman. Adapting multi-objective reservoir operations to snowpack decline under climate change. EWRI 2019.
B. Robinson, J. Cohen, and J. Herman. Comparing machine learning methods for dynamically identifying future water supply vulnerabilities in the northern California reservoir system. EWRI 2019
J. Herman and S. Steinschneider. Atmospheric rivers and reservoir control: Combining multiple sources of forecast information to design conjunctive management policies in California. AGU 2018, EWRI 2019.
N. Mall and J. Herman. The shift from annual to permanent crops in California’s Central Valley and implications for agricultural water shortage risks. AGU 2018.
B. Robinson and J. Herman. Testing threshold-based identification of future water supply vulnerabilities in long-term streamflow projections in the Western U.S. EWRI 2018, AGU 2018.
Cohen, J., H. Zeff, and J. Herman. Impacts of seasonal forecast accuracy and declining snowpack on California water supply. EWRI 2018, AGU 2018.
Mautner, M., L. Foglia, and J. Herman. Urbanization and groundwater management: Modeling the feedbacks between land use change, infiltration, and withdrawals in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area. EWRI 2018, AGU 2018.
Nayak, M., J. Herman, and S. Steinschneider. Balancing flood risk and water supply in California: Policy search combining short-term forecast ensembles and groundwater recharge. EWRI 2018.
M. Fefer, M. Dogan, and J. Herman. Sensitivity analysis of California water supply: Assessment of vulnerabilities and adaptations. AGU 2017.
B. Robinson and J. Herman. Making sense of ensembles: Adaptive planning thresholds in long-term water supply projections for the Western U.S. AGU 2017.
J. Cohen and A. McGarity. Green infrastructure simulation and optimization to achieve combined sewer overflow reductions in Philadelphia. AGU 2017.
M. Nayak, J. Herman, and S. Steinschneider. Balancing flood risk and water supply in California: Policy search combining short-term forecast ensembles and groundwater recharge. AGU 2017.
J.D. Herman, M. Giuliani. Policy tree optimization for adaptive management of water resources systems. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2016, EWRI, May 2017.
J.D. Herman. Decision support for multi-stakeholder drought management using high-performance computing and data mining. CUAHSI 5th Biennial Colloquium, July 2016.
J.D. Herman, P.M. Reed, H.B. Zeff, and G.W. Characklis. Water resources decision support under deep uncertainty: A classification of model-based frameworks and challenges for scenario discovery. International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, July 2016.
J.D. Herman. Robust policy design for water resources systems with conflicting objectives. Politecnico di Milano Hydroinformatics Seminar Series, July 2016.
J.D. Herman, H.B. Zeff, J.R. Lamontagne, P.M. Reed, and G.W. Characklis. Synthetic drought scenario generation to support bottom-up water supply vulnerability assessments. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2015; EWRI Congress, May 2016.
J.D. Herman, P.M. Reed, H.B. Zeff, and G.W. Characklis. How should robustness be defined for water systems planning under change? AGU Fall Meeting, December 2014, EWRI, 2015.
J.D. Herman, The Model Modeler: Version control and open source software. Cornell Environmental & Water Resources Seminar, September 2014.
J.D. Herman, H.B. Zeff, P.M. Reed, and G.W. Characklis. Balancing robustness to future uncertainty between cooperating regional water utilities. International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, June 2014.
J.D. Herman, H.B. Zeff, P.M. Reed, and G.W. Characklis. Preparing for scarcity in the eastern U.S.: Designing coordinated regional water portfolios to improve robustness to future uncertainty. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June 2014.
J.D. Herman, J.B. Kollat, P.M. Reed, and T. Wagener. From maps to movies: High resolution time-varying sensitivity analysis for spatially distributed watershed models. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June 2014.
M. Giuliani, J.D. Herman, A. Castelletti, and P. Reed. Many-objective control policy identification and refinement to overcome framing challenges in reservoir management. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2013.
J.D. Herman, J.B. Kollat, P.M. Reed, and T. Wagener. From maps to movies: High resolution time-varying sensitivity analysis for spatially distributed watershed models. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2013 (poster).
J.D. Herman, H.B. Zeff, P.M. Reed, and G.W. Characklis. Beyond optimality: Multi-stakeholder robustness tradeoffs for regional water portfolio planning under deep uncertainty. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2013 (poster).
P.M. Reed, J.D. Herman, and T. Wagener. Time-varying sensitivity analysis clarifies the impact of model formulation on model behavior. ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May 2013.
Herman, J.D., P.M. Reed, and T. Wagener. Time-varying sensitivity analysis clarifies the effects of watershed model formulation on model behavior. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2012 (poster).
Herman, J., P.M. Reed, T. Wagener. Diagnosing dominant processes in conceptual rainfall‐runoff models using dynamic sensitivity analysis. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2011 (poster).