- Sensitivity Analysis Library (SALib): Python implementations of commonly used global sensitivity methods, including Sobol, Morris, and FAST [Citation]
- Colormap: a web interface to generate custom colormaps for figures
- Policy Tree Optimization: Heuristic policy search for control of dynamic systems (Python) [Citation]
- Qsynth: Matlab code for synthetic streamflow generation [Citation]
- Stochastic Hydrology: Matlab scripts for fitting flood frequency distributions
- Pareto.py: a nondominated sorting script for multi-objective optimization problems
- Python for Water Resources Engineering: An in-progress tutorial
- CALVIN: an updated Python version of California’s hydroeconomic model. Uses the HOBBES database. In collaboration with the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences.
- California Water Data Sources
- WaterProgramming Blog: Computing tips for graduate research, maintained by Pat Reed’s group at Cornell
- Plotting Examples: Examples of figure generation with different types of data in Matlab, Python, and R
- BibTeX: Collection of references from water management and hydrology